Monday, April 5, 2021

That went fast...


Seems like Steph and Dan just got here, and this morning, we took them to the airport.  It was a great visit and I really appreciated the hugs!  Nice to visit face-to-face and not via FaceTime.

We said our good-byes at the curb, timing it so they could get through security with no last minute rush and us not going inside to watch them head to the security area.

There must have been dust in the air, as there were some teary eyes with our good-byes.

Rufus said his good-byes to them before they left the house... then went to lay down in his big chair.  He did let Steph sit in it while they were here; even shared it with her a couple times.  I know she was missing her fur babies, but their kitty caretaker sent her photos each day, which really set Steph's mind at ease.

Other than the afternoon at Sea Turtle Inc, we didn't do a lot of running around.  We visited a lot, played some games, introduced them to Heartland on NetFlix, and visited some more.  It was all I hoped for.  We really appreciate that they gave up their relaxing potential over the 4 day weekend to come see us.  Back to work for them tomorrow.  Another day of not keeping track of what day it is for us.

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