Sunday, October 9, 2022

Guitar Memories...


Playing guitar has been a part of my life since I was 11 years old.  Today, when checking Facebook, the "Memories" came up - one from 4 years ago, one from 10 years ago, both having to do with making music.

From 10 years ago, we were on Lake Powell with Wild Blue.  We met friends Herb and Wilma there, and in conversation, Wilma told us that she had never been to an actual concert.  I got out my guitar and we had a concert there on H Dock at Wahweap Marina at Lake Powell...

The other "Memory" was from 4 years ago: the Emerald X10 I ordered arrived from Ireland...

The X10 is my 3rd Emerald; I ordered it with some custom touches so it is truly made just for me... a 24.6" neck scale, Crystal Ice (textured) back and sides, extra black added to the edges, and "Level 2" pickups utilizing piezo pickups for each string and a humbucker pickup on top for electric sounds.  It's a nice guitar.  I still call it "the new one," even though it has been 4 years, and it isn't the most recent guitar I've added.

It has been a lot of years and more than a few guitars since I got that first one at age 11...

 The boy just has to make some music.  ;-)


Earl49 said...

Speaking of guitars, I have decided once again to sell my red X30. After converting it to a baritone for a few months, I changed it back to standard this weekend. It's a great guitar but doesn't quite fit me or my playing style all that well.

I will also soon take possession of a Rainsong WS-1000, which is just like the one I already have. I'm doing an elderly friend a favor by buying it from him since he cannot play or sing any longer. He wanted it gone to simplify his life, just in case. It will eventually get re-homed, but can live here comfortably for a while.

Captain Jim and the Blonde said...

Hi Earl. Sometimes guitars are "the one." Sometimes they are the right one at the time. And sometimes you just want to try something, then find it isn't right for you. Good luck with the sale(s). Nice you were able to help out a friend.

Earl49 said...

Yeah, you are right. I bought X30 on a whim. I had tried one at Kramster's house and it left a very favorable impression. That was December 2018 and I knew the prices were going up soon, so I pulled the trigger on a stock model. But then my right shoulder got hurt badly a few weeks later and I could not really get my arm around it to play such a big guitar for almost two years. Meanwhile a local friend really likes it and grabs it every time he comes to jam. He actually has more hours logged on it than I do. As soon as he scrapes the cash together, it will become his. The fate of the "spare" WS-1000? We'll just have to see how it plays out over the coming months. I flip between the Rainsong and my Emerald X20 as my favorite guitar. I like the original N1 neck a lot.