Friday, October 28, 2022



Joke: Where does a general keep his armies?

Answer: In his sleevies.

Yeah, it's a kid joke.  I like kid jokes.  What does that tell you about my maturity level?

Out for a ride on the CTX this morning, it was already warm and humid.  I chose to skip the armored mesh shirt and just go with my shirt sleeves.  To keep from frying my arms (that sound Texas sun can be intense), I have a couple pair of sleeves - you pull these on like long gloves, but they just cover you from upper arm to wrist.  I have a blue set that I use most often because I prefer the fabric on that over the ones I wore today...

 These are a stretchy knit that feels like old timey nylon stockings.  Yes, I am old enough to remember how those feel when you run your hand up... well, nevermind.  These are supposed to look like a tattoo sleeve.  They don't.  Well, maybe if you go by someone at 80 mph and the sun is in their eyes.  But, they have flames and an old Electrovoice vintage mic... so, my style.  Except the background of the sleeve looks a bit jaundice.  But, it keeps me from getting more of a farmer tan.

But, the important part: out for a ride.  The weasels were calling for rain for most of the day.  Looks like that frontal passage will happen later.  In the meantime: riding!

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