Thursday, October 13, 2022

Guy Stuff...


If you're thinking "Cars, boats, motorcycles..." well, Joan likes those things, too.  "OK, then: gonads, testosterone..." no, not that kind of guy stuff.

Last night at dusk, I asked Rufus if he wanted to go for a walk.  Nope.  So, I took off for an evening walk on my own.  Imagine my surprise when, heading back for home, I saw this...

 Yep, that's Joan walking Rufus.  That almost never happens.  Apparently, after I left, Rufus meowed at the door, wanting to go out.  So, rather than wait for me to get back, those two went out.  Rufus was walking very nice for her.  I took over the leash and Joan went back to the house to make us some root beer floats.

This got me to thinking about the big furry boy.  I may have said this before, but... he really is a good boy.  There was some concern before we brought him home almost 5 years ago - we had always had female cats.  We weren't sure if he'd be as sweet and lovey as the girls.  He had a distinct odor about him when we got him... what if that smell is just part of being a male?

We needn't have worried... he is a big ol' snuggle-boy.  He likes to touch and be touched by his people; sweet as can be.  The smell went away after that first bath, and, if anything, he is cleaner than the girls.  He spends at least as much time grooming.

There are some ways he is "all boy": he is more rough and tumble.  He leads with his head; he likes head-bumps and they are often like getting punched in the jaw.  I love it.  He and I have a "guy bond"... sometimes when he's sitting on/beside me, I hear: "People let me tell you 'bout my best friend..."



Earl49 said...

He's a good boy, but he is ALL cat. He wasn't ready to walk just yet, but that did not give you permission to go without him. And what a fine portrait!

Duke also likes the aggressive head butts. Must be a "guy cat" thing.... Like you, until Buddy we've never had male cats. By chance, not by prejudice, they have all been female in the past.

Captain Jim and the Blonde said...

Hi Earl - thanks for the compliment on that close-up of Ruf. I'm guessing the "firm" head butts are a guy cat thing - our girls would all lightly touch their head to ours, but this is nothing like that. The "all girl" thing in our family was definitely by prejudice... I always heard how smelly and gross males are... yeah, I kinda took that personally. LOL I took a chance on this furry fellow, and he is a real delight. He thinks I'm swell, too. ;-)