Saturday, October 29, 2022

National Cat Day...



Yes, that is a thing, and today, October 29th, is National Cat Day in the US.  It was created by Colleen Paige to bring awareness to the number of cats that need to be rescued each year.

In our house, it is a day to adore and dote on Rufus.  So, yeah, like every day of the year.



henry@7635 said...

We are looking to improve our cell and internet signal when traveling also. Currently use (ATT) cell phone as hot spot but the signal is so weak at times it is unusable. Would be interested to know any other comments/recommendations you receive.

Captain Jim and the Blonde said...

Hi Henry - I'll post here if we make any changes. Our Verizon service has been good almost everywhere we travel. No complaints, other than the price. I use my iPhone as a hot spot when we are away from home. We carry a WeBoost (used to be Wilson) cell signal booster that we have used in the motorhome and on the boat - if there is no signal, it won't help. But, with a weak signal, it can make it usable. With Verizon, there have been few places where we've needed the booster in the last few years.