Monday, October 31, 2022

It's a small world...


If you said, "The most annoying song until Baby Shark, and a ride at Disney World," you get 20 bonus points.  If you said, "Doesn't that 360 camera of yours shoot that small world thing?" you are absolutely correct and get 100 bonus points.  It is called "Tiny Planet"... essentially it is a view that is wider than a fish eye.  So, yeah, everything is distorted, but it isn't supposed to be a realistic image, just a fun thing.

It is easy to overdo these Tiny Planet images, and they do tend to look pretty similar, unless you can find interesting scenes where tall things like buildings and trees stand out.  And that brings us to today's post: I went out with the intent of shooting a Tiny Planet image with my favorite Wyland Whaling Wall in it.

Heading towards the South Padre Island Convention Center...

 That isn't a Tiny Planet shot - it looks like it was taken with a drone flying in front of me, but it was done with the 360 camera on a mount extended above and in front of the bike.

You'd think it would be easy to get some Tiny Planet shots: put the camera on the bike, drive by the Whaling Wall, and you're done - edit the video/stills when you get back home.  I drive by this Whaling Wall frequently - there is never anyone around it.  Today, with hardly any cars in the parking lot, it was Grand Central Station in front of that mural.  It took me 4 passed by it to get a shot where there weren't people standing or walking down the middle of the street.  No doubt I am on a security camera there: "Um, you better take a look at this - some biker guy keeps riding loops past the Whaling Wall.  Should I call the Police?"

It didn't come to that, and I got my shots.  Lots of 'em.

If three seems like overkill, imagine editing through about 20 of those.  On my multiple passes, I took an interesting (well, to me) couple of images with the front of the Convention Center overhang...

And, on the divided road on the way in, with the palm trees...

I carried that theme back home, across the swing bridge and onto our island...

It looks like some kind of contraption that Marvin the Martian would have used, especially with that big head helmet guy in there.

And, a couple of video "shorts"...

And the best part: no annoying music!

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