Wednesday, October 5, 2022



Nothing to do with a drive-by.  We said we'd get the flu shot and the latest Covid vaccine as soon as we got home... didn't want any of those side effects (we were both fatigued, body aches, and a slight fever from that last Covid booster) while we were traveling.

The local news is full of reports of the flu running rampant locally in school age kids.  Which means there will be a fairly rapid "community spread"... and for those of us of a certain age, that is a good reason to get the shot.  The latest Covid booster is supposed to be more effective against the more recent variants.  I'm thinking this is going to be a regular on-going process.

I made an appointment to get my shots at our local Walgreens.  It's a process: you make the appointment, you show up early for your appointment, they tell you to have a seat, 15 minutes after your appointment time, they call your name to fill out the paperwork (two of exactly the same form, one for the flu shot for geezers, and an identical one for the latest Covid booster), then you wait some more, then they call you into the little "shot room," confirm what shot(s) you're getting jab you, put a bandaid on it, then you go back to the regular pharmacy counter to get your Vaccination Card back.  Seems to me that since you fill out information on-line to make the appointment, they could use that and eliminate the waiting.

It reminds me a bit of the Olive Garden in Rapid City prior to Covid: if there were only 7 cars in the parking lot, the woman who greets you would tell you "It will be about 10 minutes for a table," when you know you were going to walk by a bunch of empty tables to get seated.  Some people think it adds more value if you have to wait for it.  I am not one of those people.

The young lady that gave me the shots asked if I had any bad reaction to the previous Covid shots... "My ass was dragging for a day and body aches."

She said, "Yeah, that's pretty typical.  But, no fainting or difficulty breathing?"  Pretty sure I would have remembered that.

So, for you conspiracy theorists out there, yes, I am pretty sure they put an updated transmitter in the vaccine.  It will be a boring job for some government agent keeping track of my movements.  Yeah, that's a joke... "Well, it looks like he went to Chick-fil-A again."

There was also a short discussion of "Which arm or one in each?"  I opted for both shots in my left arm - if that one falls off, my guitar career will be over, but I will still be able to ride my CTX.

So, one more thing checked off my "To Do When We Get Home" list.  It's been an hour and a half - my arm is killing me!  Nah, I'm kidding... my arms were already sore from getting the motorhome unloaded.  I don't think there's a vaccine for that.

And, in the spirit of getting another vaccine booster, here's a song Mark and I did before the Covid vaccine existed...


I also got in two rides before going to Walgreens: around the resort on my bicycle and over the causeway and around SPI on the motorcycle.  We are at the time of year where mornings are in the mid-70s and just downright lovely.  Back to my morning "routine."  Oh, and, yes, Rufus got a walk in this morning.  Before settling in on is "big chair."

The boy looks pretty "compact" in one corner of that chair.


A music break...

In the living room.  Rufus was enjoying the singing and playing...


Earl49 said...

Glad you are home safe. Rufus looks sooooo comfy and happy in "his" chair. Nice of him to let you share it once in a while too.

Duke has really been enjoying our newly screened-in back porch. It has become his official "catio", aka the outdoor room. We leave the patio sliding door open about 6" at night, and he has spent several full nights out there in the dark, coming and going as he pleases. We have a lovely porch swing that he loves to stretch out on, reaching about five feet long when relaxed. (You know how cats are). Oh, and Alice likes the catio too. I've enjoyed a few guitar picking sessions out there too as our fall weather now allows it. It has been around 80° for daytime highs and 60° for overnight lows, so great weather to be outdoors.

Captain Jim and the Blonde said...

Hi Earl - nice weather after all that heat you've had. It has been surprisingly comfortable in the short time we've been home. Rufus has gotten a couple walks in (morning and evening). He finally got into his "big chair" this afternoon. I'm not keen on that chair as it brings back the memories of having to sleep in it right after the hip surgery. I feel like a little kid in it, since my feet just dangle. Joan bought it while I was in the hospital, thinking the lift part of it would be helpful for me. Rufus sat by me in that chair - I moved on, he claimed it as his.

Enjoy that beautiful weather!