Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Just the same...


... only the opposite.

Still in the moving-back-in process.  We knew we'd be heading back to the storage unit today; yesterday, we rolled my bike out of the cargo trailer and left it in the storage unit.  In its place was a bunch of stuff that needed to go back to the house.  About the same weight as that 500 pound motorcycle.  Then, today when we go back, I can ride my bike the 38 miles back to the house.

And, that's how it played out.  We left the house around 9:30... early enough for it to be relatively cool, and early enough to stop at WhataBurger for a BOB (Breakfast On a Bun).  Out at the storage unit, it took us about an hour to gather and pack the rest of the stuff (mostly clothes) to go to the house.  When it was time to head out, I swapped my shorts and sneaks for some riding pants and boots... with that gear on, it was starting to feel really hot and humid.  (Temp was in the low 80s)  As soon as I pulled out onto the highway, it was like someone turned on the air conditioner... it had been uncharacteristically still at the storage unit; as in: no breeze.  The windmills (for generating electricity) weren't turning.  That is unusual.

So, what's that opposite thing you're talking about?  Thanks for asking.  On my favorite road in the Black Hills, Iron Mountain Road, there are 314 curves in 17 miles.  On this road between our storage unit and the house, there are 3 curves in 38 miles.  But, it was my first riding in almost 2 weeks.  And, in spite of the sub-tropical heat and humidity (which will take a few days to acclimate), it felt really good to be on the CTX again.

There are still things to get done around the house, but we're working our way through them.


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