Friday, December 23, 2022

Less than 24 hours ago...


Yesterday late afternoon, I took Rufus for a walk.  We checked out the sunset...

 Looks nice and warm compared to right now (30º was our high for the day, still blowing like stink).  Rufus was enjoying the walk...

We walked a block over to the gazebo area - Ruf was enjoying the late day sun and the grass.  (Notice the reddish look to his fur with the warm sunlight.)

He's a good boy.

I feel for him right now - he would like to go outside for a walk and doesn't understand why I am not getting his harness and leash ready... "It's too cold, buddy - you don't want to go out there."

"I think I do."

I would open the door and let him experience that arctic blast, but it would let that cold air in the house.  The only good thing about this situation: we don't have to be out in this weather.  

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