Monday, April 27, 2020

An anniversary of sorts...

It has been one year since the new hip.  Want to see my scar?  ;-)

Well, it has been an interesting year.  I am in better physical shape than I have been in years.  Does it still hurt?  Yeah; not as bad, and it doesn't stop me from most activities.  Certainly, it is better than what I was dealing with before the surgery.  I don't need a cane; I can walk up and down steps alternating legs; I can walk pretty much as far as I want; I can ride my bike (bicycle) as far as I want.

If you had asked me three months in, I don't think I could have said I was better off.  By month 4, it was clear I was.

Getting out for a couple months last summer saved my sanity.  The riding we did in the Black Hills was the best ever.  It remains to be seen if that will happen for us again this year.

We got the boat back in the water when we got home.  Life seemed to be returning to normal.  Plenty of time with the dolphins...

Joan got a new scoot, a Yamaha Xmax, which broadened our riding.  The Vespa is still "hip friendly" for me.

More recording time with my long-time friend and music partner Mark.  Done long distance.  Steph and Dan visited here at Christmas.  Life really was back to normal.  In January, we geared up for heading to Arizona... time with Steph and Dan, helping in Steph's classroom, recording face-to-face with Mark while Joan and Cindy (Mark's wife) worked on quilting projects.

Then, the Corona Virus became a world pandemic...

We came back from Arizona a little early, as travel restrictions tightened down.

We settled back in at home... the key words here are "at home"... no non-essential travel, being able to go to the grocery store on even/odd days according to our license plate.  I got exercise by walking and riding my bicycle, keeping that hip limbered up.  Not much normal about life back in the Tropical Tip.

And Rufus?  Rufus is great...

He adapted to everything this year, but wonders why we are home "all the time."

Just looking back at this year.  Starting with the surgery... the surgeon said to me, "Most of the time it goes easy.  Sometimes, it is tough.  Sorry that yours was one of the tough ones."  That's a pretty decent description, but I have worked through it.  Just like the current pandemic situation... we're working through it.

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