Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Today, I got in touch with my inner self...

I swear, when this whole virus situation has passed, I'm never using single ply toilet paper again!


Yeah, that's some crappy humor.

I got scammed today.  No, this isn't about a government check.  I was on the phone with Mark and went into my music room.  There was a bit of music discussion (he is writing another song), but mostly we just visited; nice to catch up.

When I came out of that room, Joan was nowhere to be found.  I assumed (correctly) that she was putting something away in our underneath storage area.  Rufus was stuck to me, a swirl of activity at my feet.  He was being vocal, too... what I was hearing: "Daddy, I need a snack!  My belly is empty!"  I got him a couple pellets of a digestion food that he likes.  It was enough to quiet him down.

When Joan came up from below, she had a few things for me to take to the garbage.  I put on my mask and gloves (you have to touch the door of the dumpster area) and headed out.  Rufus was wanting to go outside, but after getting into sandburs the other day, that is off the table now.  I did take him out on the deck where we had breakfast this morning.  But, I digress... Rufus meowed at Joan; she said, "I gave you a treat already!"

Yep, the furry boy got a treat from each of us.  He has learned how to "work the system."


A couple Tuesday stay-at-home songs for you...



1 comment:

Kent said...
