Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Another day...

Another tune.

Joan went to the store this afternoon - I took the quiet-time to do another video with the Shure MV88+...

A cover of another Jimmy Buffett song.  I don't play a lot of Buffett these days, but it just felt right, being on an island... in the Tropical Tip... and pretty much no where to go.

I guess we were fortunate yesterday, in that we didn't encounter a check point when we went to our storage unit.  They are out again.  It just may have been the route we took.

Rufus got some outdoor time again... I put on a mask to take him out for some "grass time."  No, he didn't wear a mask.  ;-)

Our county judge (think: one-man county commissioner rather than a judicial type judge) changed and clarified his emergency order again: "masks should be worn when in public, but are not required if you are out walking or running by yourself."  Hard to keep up, because it changes so often.


Kent said...

Sounds Good Cap'n..

Kent said...

Any COVID on your Island?

Captain Jim and the Blonde said...

Nothing reported. The number of those testing positive for our county continues to increase, but it is still a relatively small number.

Kent said...

We live in Fairfield Co. CT..