Saturday, April 4, 2020

Dressing it up...

As predicted the rain came.  It pounded pretty good about 3 times this afternoon.  I was doing some recording, Joan was sewing, so the rain didn't interfere with anything for us.

At one point, there was a "thump" on our glass patio door... a red oriole had slammed into the glass!  Rufus heard the noise and went to check it out...

I didn't go out, but I think that poor bird is hurt.  It tried to stand up, but listed to one side.  Tried again and listed to the other side.  It managed to get itself under the table out on our deck.  I will see if it is still there tomorrow.

When it was clear that we weren't going to let Rufus out to check out the bird, he hopped up on my lap.  I thought I'd get my phone to capture a tender moment.  It didn't play out...

Joan made a pork roast, baked potatoes, and fresh cornbread for supper.  I miss having lunch out, but Joan is a great cook.

And, about that sewing: it wasn't a quilting project today.  She made masks for us.  I can't say it's for sure, but while out on my bike today, I was told that masks are required in Port Isabel if you are out in public (not in your car).  Joan's has heart shapes made from cats' paws...

She made mine with guitar fabric...

She put a silk lining in them, so they will be comfortable to wear.  She sized each of them for a personal fit.  If this becomes a regular thing, she said she will make us a set with a HEPA filter (from a vacuum cleaner bag) insert.  You do what you gotta do.

While we each did our own thing during the afternoon, we're planning for a date night this evening... yeah, streaming a movie.  Rufus is glad to have his people around...

"So, what movie are we going to watch?"  Yeah, it's date night for 3.  ;-)

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