Monday, April 6, 2020

Where did the sound go??

After our usual morning routine, I went into my music room to record a track I've been working on.  Plugging the new studio condenser mic directly into the Spire Studio, I got... nothing.  Well, that isn't fun.

I tried a different mic in the same preamp connection.  Nothing.  I experimented a bit more with connections and inputs, and came up with... nothing.  The big thing is getting the onboard mic to disconnect when you plug anything into the top preamp... that is supposed to happen automatically, and it isn't happening.

I visited with Mark, remembering he had an issue early on with his Spire.  His issue was different, and since his Spire Studio was brand new, the company (Izotope) replaced it.  I've had mine for over a year, so it is beyond the warranty.

I sent a note to Izotope's Support (Customer Service), and I heard back from them within an hour... impressive, considering the current situation and staffing considerations.  The gentleman's e-mail suggested that XLR cables (which most mics use) have slightly different size connections on the 3-pin end, and if the pins aren't the "full size," that preamp won't recognize that something has been plugged in.


I did use that same cord on Saturday, and it worked fine.  The other mic cord that I have been using the last two months worked fine.  So, sometime this afternoon, I will go through all my XLR cords to see if one of the works.  I don't think this is going to be the issue, but I do appreciate the prompt response.

After sending the e-mail to Izotope, I got up to get something to drink.  I generally have my laptop on a lap-desk... I put it on the chair when I got up.  Apparently, I didn't "call saved," and Rufus moved in...

That chair is his favorite place to nap.  Can you tell?  I moved my lap-desk and went to a different chair.

I was missing our daughter and sent her a text to ask if she had time to Facetime... "Yes!"  I put my phone on a small flex-pod and connected...

This is all kinda new for us, but it works just like it is supposed to.  It was great to see her face as well as hear her voice.  I remember the old AT&T ads about "the next best thing to being there" regarding a phone call.  Yeah, but you can tell a lot by seeing the face, as well.  She was in the process of contacting her students and their parents by e-mail, so it wasn't an issue for her to take a short break.

Joan popped her head in, too - easy to fit her in there with the phone in the horizontal position so Steph could see both of us.  And, of course, she had to pick up the new orange furry boy (Tango) so we could see him...

Yeah, I think this will become our new way of staying in touch.

Off to the music room for me... I'm going to pull out all the XLR cords I have to see if any will work with my Spire Studio.  Even though each and every one of them has been working fine.  Pretty sure the electrical connections at the end of these cords didn't "shrink up" since Saturday.


Update: Back into the music room, I pulled out XLR cords to see if any looked like the male pins in the end appeared to be any thicker than the others... nope.  I had tried two different XLR cords before contacting iZotope.  I tried a third XLR cord - no go.  I reluctantly tried a fourth cord and... it works!  I know it isn't the other cords, so I am wondering if the interior female XLR connections have worn due to use.  This Spire Studio got quite a workout the last couple months.  The Support guy from iZotope said that wasn't likely.  No matter; I will mark this cord and hope things keep working.


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