Saturday, April 18, 2020

Cave dwellers...

No, we haven't moved to a cave to escape the virus.  Or, for any other reason.

We have often kidded Steph about her propensity for cocooning in her living room with all the shades drawn, watching reruns of Friends on their huge TV.  A kitty or three on her lap.  It is her "happy place."

Joan was up late last night, programming apps and passwords into our new TV.  Starting mid-morning, we pulled the blinds in our living room and started sorting through the many viewing options.  I have a free year of Apple TV+ that I got with my new iPhone a couple months ago... I had never started the subscription.  No time like the present!

I sent Steph a text telling her about our darkened environment and ended with with: #Cave Dwellers.  Her reply: #MyPeople.  And, for the record, I have no idea about that whole hashtag (#) thing, but it sounded funny to me.

Also for the record, we designed this house with lots of windows and a 3 panel glass door our to the deck - all that light makes this small house feel more open.  Unless you want it dark.  ;-)

In spite of all this "stay at home" stuff, I don't think we'll make a practice out of being glued to the TV.  But, I do have an appreciation for the bigger size.  Now.

Rufus seemed to be enjoying the dark environment, snoozing soundly in "the big chair."  He almost slept through his lunch time, until Joan reminded us both that... "Did your bad Daddy forget your lunch?"  Not my fault: blame it on the new TV.  Or, the dark.  It didn't feel like lunch time when you couldn't tell it was daylight outside.

1 comment:

PNW GUY said...

Hello Jim - still love following your daily adventures and glad you are all staying safe and healthy. Quick question, saw your post and pic of the new tv, but couldn't tell what size and brand it is?? I have been shopping and comparing / I do that on EVERYTHING says my wife. My current TV's are at least 15 years old, even have a plasma that still works. Wanting to upgrade to a 55" I think. For our family room that is about 12x16'. Just curious if your new TV feels the right size / heard many stories of people getting sets that are far too big for their room space. So far like the TCL 6 series. Cant believe how prices have dropped over the years. I remember as a teenager I saved and bought my first TV - I was so proud and thought I got a good deal...…..a 19" Zenith for $750.00 !! Felt like it weighed a ton and awkward to carry?? Take care