Tuesday, April 7, 2020


Frankly, I don't recall being "juvenated" before, so I can now be rejuvenated.

Rufus and I were getting some "big chair" time...

Until Joan made a from-scratch pizza... food for my belly.  I fed Rufus... food for his belly.

I offered to check mail late this afternoon.  The last couple days, I have walked the half-mile or so round trip to our centralized mailboxes.  Today, I was feeling "the call"... the Vespa has been feeling neglected.  Time to remedy that.

I really don't know where we stand with riding the scoots off our island; Port Isabel continues with their stay-at-home order, emphasizing "no non-essential travel."  Not sure I could pass off a scooter ride as essential for my mental health.  But, there is no order restricting "travel" on our island... probably because you aren't going far.  When I have been out for walks or a bicycle ride, I have seen folks driving around in their golf carts; I say "driving around," because as I walk around I see them on different streets.

Out on the Vespa...

I may have accidentally slipped up to 17mph on our main drag through the resort where the speed limit is 15mph.  The rest of the streets here have a 10mph limit.  A sunny afternoon, in the low 80s; it wasn't exactly "in the breeze" riding, but it's what I got.  And, it brought a big ol' smile to my face.

I do believe I was juvenated again.  ;-)

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