Thursday, April 16, 2020

And you can tell everybody...

... this is Mark's song.

Mark wrote this song and sent me a scratch track with guitar and vocal.  I added drums, acoustic guitar, and a couple different harmony tracks.  He made a change in the guitar track, did a new lead vocal track, changed some words and phrasing, and added a keyboard track.  I did some tweaks on a final mix and...

It is hard to put in a category... rock, a bit of protest, a message, and a dash of punk.  Very poignant lyrics.  Mark wanted to have a forward on the intent of the song...

“Our newest long-distance collaboration via Spire Studio. This is something different for us, an original song called, Stupid Isn’t Funny. I wrote most of it last week, came up with a basic idea for the melody, then uploaded a draft for Jim. Didn’t take him long to come back with several great ideas and we built it out from there. If you’re listening to it, count yourself among the first and probably the few who will hear it.

About the song. Some of you may think it’s about a certain individual. Not true at all. The idea came to me while listening to a science podcast that mentioned people destroying 5G cell towers, which they believed were the source of the Corona virus. (Really!) While I did seem to channel some of the protest songs from the 60-70’s, it really reflects (my) concern with the increasing dismissal of science, data, research, critical thinking and education in a world where we need brilliance more than ever. This song wasn’t intended to offend anyone and we hope no one takes it personally. Share this if you like, or not.

Please note there’s a couple f-bombs in the chorus. And if you’d like a copy of the chords and lyrics, let us know.”

The image is from when we were in Phoenix.  This collaboration is all long distance.  The music is from the heart.

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