Wednesday, April 8, 2020


After the face recognition fail with my phone this morning, we went full-retro for lunch: Joan made us burgers and a salad, chocolate cake for dessert.

"What is retro about that?" you ask.  Thanks for asking.  We didn't have hamburger buns onhand.  This isn't "our day" to go to the store... in the past, it would be a good excuse to hop on the scoot and go pick up a package of buns.  Not now.

Joan asked if I would be OK with bread... I said, "Not just bread, but good ol' untoasted, ungrilled Wonderbread - a burger like I used to get as a kid!"


A sad bit of burger news: our favorite burger place on the island, Burger Fi, is closed until further notice.  They tried curbside delivery, but without tourists, there isn't enough traffic for them to do even that.  If and when they come back, we will be there.


Bob said...

Jim, you are a good example in your neighborhood of how to shelter in place. I appreciate that we have to as a result look at "neighbor of baloney as a stand in on two pieces of plain bread " but it brings back memories of being kinda poor as in "catsup on bread - no meat left". How about a series on the long not seen toys such as the stand-up paddle board, Da Drone, whatever paddle craft is left under the deck, and the like? See ya!!!
Bob Jarrard

Captain Jim and the Blonde said...

Hi Bob,

My dear ol' Mother used to tell me, "Well, if it doesn't work out, you can serve as a bad example." I think those toys you mentioned will get pulled out at some time. Since getting home, we haven't run out of things to do as we settle back in. All in due time.

Best wishes,