Thursday, April 16, 2020

Behind bars...

I have often said: "I am too pretty to go back to prison."

Yes, that's a joke... maybe just pretty enough?  Yes, another joke.  This "behind bars" thing isn't about me.  "Joan?" you ask.  Well, perhaps if she were to smother me in my sleep, but I'm here writing this, so that didn't happen.  Yet.

It was a comfortably cool morning here in the Tropical Tip... like 68º when I went out for a bike ride.  Odds are pretty good we aren't going to see that cool of a temperature until fall rolls around.  So, I was able to come back for my ride and not be a big ol' sweatball.  Joan and Rufus were out on the deck, and when I was putting my bike away, Rufus was apparently quite happy (and vocal) to see me...

From my vantage point on the dock, looking up at him on the deck, he looked like he was behind bars.  ;-)  He doesn't know his cat superpowers - he could easily escape the deck.  I guess he hasn't had a burning desire to do that.  Although, if you could have heard the bellering being emitted from the furry boy, you would think his need to get to his Daddy was urgent.  ;-)

I went in the house, cleaned up, and joined those two on the deck.  The morning sunshine had given way to clouds moving in from the west, but the temperature outside was still delightful.  Joan took this photo of me in one of my collection of guitar shirts...

This one reads: So many guitars, so little time.  I think I need to find one that says: So many guitars, so little talent.  I thought it was funny; Joan scoffed.  All these years of listening to my music has taken the edge off her ability to judge good guitar playing.  I am good with that.

We visited about our plans for the day: we're going to stay around the house.  I know: big surprise!  I will be visiting with Mark about any minor tweaks to a song of his we're working on.  He did the initial scratch track and sent it to me for my parts.  I added some tracks and sent it back to him.  He added more tracks and it was back in my court last night.  I made a couple mixing tweaks and now it is back to him for the final approval.  It's a more serious subject than our usual songs.  Powerful lyrics.  Almost a punk feel to it.  I will post it here when it's done.

Joan has been doing some online learning with quilting stuff and will be back at the hands-on with a project.  She has learned a lot already this year; yes, before all this staying home.  For now...

And the furry boy is chillin'...

I think I will put his harness on him, and we'll get some outdoor time in.

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